From a Vision to Reality

Our vision is to lead the change toward a circular and renewable textile industry while being a fair and reliable company. Using our size and scale, we are working to catalyze systemic changes across our operations, our entire value chain, and our industry.

Our priority is to respect nature and people. We acknowledge the needs of present and future generations and the demand both by our planet and our industry. We believe that the way we conduct our business should be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.

It’s in our hands to shape the future of the planet. We’re in this together.


We follow The Cradle-to-Cradle® principles, aiming to create an economy that eliminates waste, recycles materials and mimics nature’s harmonic, sustainable cycle

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Renewable Energy

Sanko Textile is the role model of the industry through our continuous investments in renewable energy production

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Pre & Post Consumer Recycle/ Reuse

We believe Post-Consumer Recycling is one of the key processes to close the loop and create a circular industry. We are constantly looking for new ways of working toward a future with a fully circular fashion industry

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Sustainable Cotton

By focusing on farming, we have the greatest impact on soil fertility, food safety and the elimination of waste. We support sustainable cotton farming

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Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today

Our Certifications